Thursday, August 27, 2015

We are alive!!

Hi all!!

Just a quick post to update you on how we are doing since I realized my last post was over a month ago (yikes)!!

Evan did have a "mild" seizure as we were packing up on a Sunday preparing to go home from our big friends & family camping trip.  Just one more day would have marked 15 weeks since his last seizure.  It was a hard pill to swallow...with each seizure we are hopeful it is the last, especially as so much time passes between.

So, when faced with the reality, we focus on the blessings.  We were so blessed to have so many kids and adults around to help.  Evan was actually riding his bike at the time (wearing a helmet...ALWAYS a helmet!) and reportedly bumped into a parked truck and then wandered into the campsite it was located at (not people we knew).  Kids who were with him recognized something was wrong and alerted us as well as some friends who were in the next site and everyone flew into action.  By the time I got to him, he was already coming out of his seizure.  We were very thankful that we didn't have to administer his Diastat, and so thankful for all the friends and family that we were surrounded by.

I was also thankful this seizure was so mild in comparison to the last two.  In my mind, this tells me his Lamictal does do something, and that it wasn't at a therapeutic level during those last two seizures.  Lamictal is part of our tripod...medication, diet, and naturopathic medicines.  If one leg is not up to snuff, the whole thing is off balance.  I feel a bit of relief knowing that he is at a more therapeutic level.  When I first wrote that, I initially I felt more comfortable...but I didn't feel that was accurate and honest.  Comfortable isn't something we have truly experienced in relation to epilepsy since Evan's diagnosis.  That simply doesn't come with the territory.  Feeling a bit of a relief is a win in my book!

We have been on several camping trips since (with at least one more planned) with great success.

This week the focus has honestly been on back-to-school preps.  Oh and where, exactly, did this summer go?  Wasn't 4th of July like last weekend???  Finished up the school supply shopping, got some new kicks for the kids, a few new shirts, and Evan got a haircut since he wants his hair longer these days (and Mama don't know how to do that right).
My handsome lil' man all ready for 1st Grade!

Tonight is "back-to-school" night at the schools, so we will be dropping off school supplies, medications, and rushing around trying to get everything packed in that we can (see classrooms, teachers, sign up for PTA, get planners....the list really does go on!).

AND... I am working on a bigger post (or two) stay tuned!!

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