M.A.D. Pantry

Below are some essentials we keep on hand for Evan's MAD and GF diet.  BUT, don't get caught up on all the items you don't have.  I have been at this for well over two years now, but started out just like you (or so I assume)...apprehensive, unsure, afraid.  Start small...start with just a few changes and/or recipes that are easier for you.  At the beginning, Evan's diet was far from varied!  Thank the heavens above he truly didn't care.  He had a few "go-to" things he requested (that were "MAD approved"), and he had those over and over again.  Some days he would have the same meal for 2 of his 3 meals.  Its all been trial and error...and some things have ended up in the trash (those are just a "note to self" and part of the learning process).   It is OK to start small.  Epilepsy is overwhelming, and then adding on a specialized diet just makes it even more overwhelming.  BUT, if you start with just a few things, it is do-able!  After a few weeks try adding in something new, whether its a new product or a new recipe or perhaps a bit of both.

THE (at least somewhat) ODD:
1.  Coconut oil is a HUGE staple.  I put this shi... er...."stuff" on and in everything.  Ok, maybe not salad, but we use this in A LOT of recipes as well as our primary oil when cooking anything in a skillet.  We even use it on our skin (GREAT for dry skin, mild skin irritations, etc).  This is LOADED with health benefits (the list is HUGE).  There are even Pinterest pages devoted to it! Be sure to get extra virgin, and cold pressed to get the maximum health benefits from it.
Net Carbs:  0g

2.  Coconut flour is used in a lot in our baking recipes.  I have also used it as a breaded coating alternative for various meats.  It definitely absorbs liquids much more than traditional flour, so using it takes a little experimentation...but I believe in you!!  After all....its just cooking.
Net Carbs: 3g per 2 Tbsp. (may vary by brand)

3.  Stevia Drops...this makes life sweeter for someone on a MAD diet.  I use these in several of his sweeter recipes as well as just a touch in his "milk" (gives it a bit of flavor).  This is a MUST HAVE!  I did splurge and get the 2-pack (saved a few bucks that way)...and a year later have still not run out!  Be careful with this stuff.  A VERY little bit goes a LONG way!!  The other bonus...you can find this stuff in a number of different flavors to turn that boring 'ole "milk" into a berry flavored smoothie.  The sky is the limit here.  Be sure to refrigerate after opening.
Net Carbs: 0g

4.  Almond Flour is another one that I will sometimes use in conjunction with the coconut flour.  I honestly don't use this flour quite as much, but have used it for breading/coating on various meats.  Even though I don't use it as much, I still consider it a staple in my pantry.  I am usually a fan of Bob's Red Mill products, but where almond flour is concerned, theirs seems more coarsely ground.  For most uses in Evan's MAD diet, I need a finer grind.  SO...I did purchase some Honeyville Almond flour a little over a year ago as it was what I saw recommended on several sites as a good quality one for baking, etc.  Wow!!  It is now PRICY on Amazon!  Either the price went up a lot in the past year, or I purchased it at Costco.  My old brain can't remember now.  I have seen it at Costco (kinda like Sam's Club or any other larger, warehouse style store).  Shop around...but get a fine grind...you won't be disappointed!  If you don't want to shop around...the link below should last you a long, LONG time (3 lb. bag).
Net Carbs: 3g per 1/4cup (may vary by brand)

5.  Avocado Oil....for when you need a milder flavor than what coconut oil provides!  Great for high-heat cooking like stir frying or grilling.  More "fatty" benefits than EVOO.  I have also seen (and purchased) this from Costco.
Net Carbs: 0g

6.  Chia Seeds are not just for Chia Pets anymore.  Oh shoot...is my age showing?  How embarrassing!  These little seeds are becoming increasingly popular as a health food item, which means they are getting easier to find!  I have bought them at Costco as well as Trader Joes.  They are also available on Amazon, but I have not purchased them from there simply because when I need them, I need them (procrastinate??  ME??  Never!  Well, ok....maybe sometimes).  Below is the brand I have purchased at Costco before.
Net Carbs: 0g

7.  Hemp Hearts intrigued me when I first stumbled on them at Costco.  The top screamed..."10g Omega 3 AND 6".  I screeched my cart to a halt as I felt compelled to investigate this odd food.  0g net carbs, high in omegas...a good amount of fats (the good ones).  I then whipped out my trusty smart phone as I wanted to find out what I could possibly do with this.  Was it something I would indeed use??  I found a recipe using it for an "oatmeal" of sorts as well as in a chia seed/hemp heart cookie!  I was SOLD!!  This product has taken up permanent residence in our fridge (yes...best to refrigerate after opening).
Net Carbs:  0g (may vary by brand)

8.  Miracle Noodles (aka. Shirataki Noodles) were a product I had high hopes for.  They are about as close to a noodle that a person on MAD can get (not including zucchini noodles - aka "zoodles").  They have 0g net carbs, 0 calories, no gluten or soy...and they tout several health benefits.  It is made from the non-soluable part of the root of a plant in China and Japan.  Its actually pretty interesting to read more about (google it!).  I loved the idea, and had envisioned Evan enjoying various noodle dishes he could no longer have...from mac n' cheese to spaghetti.  One problem...he didn't like either the texture or the slight flavor.  I'm honestly not sure which.  After several failed attempts with similar results, we no longer buy them.  BUT....I am listing them here because I believe they are definitely worth a try!!  I have even seen these listed on Groupon.
Net Carbs: 0g

THE (more common) PANTRY OTHERS:
1.  Macadamia Nuts - As far as nuts go...best fat to carb ratio for MAD.  But be careful...10 nuts = about 1.5 net carbs.  Add to that the fact they are not cheap.  Of course Evan has expensive taste...these are his favorite nut!  He is limited to up to 10 nuts per day depending on where his carb counts for that day are.  Evan would be thrilled if you know where I can get a money tree to plant in our yard...or even a cheap source for good quality macadamia nuts!

2.  Almonds - Plain as well as some flavors (mesquite, etc) are low in carbs.  Usually about 10 plain almonds = 1g net carbs.  Flavored are usually slightly higher.

3.  Pistachios - Fun to crack and delicious!  About 10 nuts = 1g net carbs.

4.  Various spices, herbs and seasonings - Cinnamon and ginger are two biggies in our house.  Most in this category are 0g net carbs or less than 1g net carb per serving.  I avoid anything with sweeteners of any kind (natural or artificial) because they either add carbs or chemicals.

5.  Pork Rinds.  Mission brand has 0g net carbs.  These tasty morsels can be used as chips or broken up and used like bread crumbs.  I have seen other brands that do have a carb count, so be sure to check the package.

6.  Multi-Vitamin.  No gummy vitamins in this house!!  Costco has a "sugar-free" kids chewable multi-vitamin that has less than 1g net carb per chewable (dose is one a day) that we go with.  For Evan, both our nutritionist and naturopath have given their blessing on this particular vitamin.  BUT... BE SURE TO TALK TO YOUR NUTRITIONIST to ensure that you or your kiddo (whoever is on MAD) is getting the nutrition balance they need.

7.  Fruits like apples, pears, berries and cherry tomatoes - Find the ones with a higher fiber content and they are usually lower in net carbs.  Bananas are a no-no due to the high starch and carb content.  I try to get organic whenever I can.  AND...I really watch fruit portions to ensure he isn't overdoing it on the carbs.  www.fatsecret.com and my food scale are lifesavers!

8.  AND...while I'm talking about it...a food scale is insanely helpful, inexpensive, and can be found anywhere that has a decent kitchen supply section.  I don't use it all the time, but it is invaluable when trying to portion out certain foods like fruits, or when trying to make a Ketogenic diet recipe.  Find one that does ounces and kilograms (oz/kg) and you can make most any Ketogenic recipe as well.  Opens so many doors!

1.  Heavy Cream - I buy at Costco because we go through this stuff and the bigger size comes in handy.  It also has a higher fat content (40%) than the ones sold in the regular, chain grocery stores in my area.

2.  Almond milk (UNSWEETENED vanilla) - I use this to mix with his "milk" for a few reasons:  nutritional value, consistency, and flavor.  This is another product I usually buy at Costco (6 boxes in a case) as it has a long shelf life before its opened (and doesn't need to be refrigerated until opened).

3.  Eggs - Not a lot needs to be said about this perfect food.  Delicious and versatile!

4.  Deli Meats - I like to watch to get ones that don't have any added nitrates or nitrites.  The fewer chemicals the better!  We keep saying we are going to try our hand at making our own deli meat...but haven't yet.  Most DO have a carb count...so plan accordingly, check labels and compare.

5.  Cheeses - Evan is not lactose intolerant, so cheeses are a "go" for him.  I usually have a Costco pack of cheese sticks on hand.  This is not a "free" treat because most have at least a bit of carbs (I have no trouble finding ones that are 1g net carbs or less per stick).  And, lets face it, if it were up to him, at just 6 years old, he would see no reason to not have a cheese stick every time he was hungry...and that just ain't healthy!  I also keep a block of cheese for shredding, slicing, or whatever form I need it in.  Again...watch those carbs as some cheeses can really sneak it in!

6.  Variety of Veggies - Whatever he is into and will eat (of course within reason).  Most veggies have a higher fiber content and low natural sugars, so are pretty low in net carbs (again...www.fatsecret.com and the food scale are absolute BLESSINGS!).  He enjoys broccoli, cucumbers, various salad greens, green beans, zucchini, bell peppers, and carrots in moderation.

7.  Reduced Sugar Ketchup...yup, Heinz has it!  More and more stores are starting to carry this, and if you can't find it, Amazon carries it.  Is there anything they don't carry?!?   I know there are some ingredients that are not perfect (Sucralose)...but this is pretty close when you have a kid who craves a bit of ketchup.  It does have 1g net carb per tablespoon.  I am going to try my hand at making my own low carb ketchup...but until then, stocking this!

8.  Seltzer Water - or better known in our house as "fizzy water".  The flavored stuff in cans is used in place of soda.  He never feels left out on a hot summer day when all the kids are playing and drinking soda or juice.  He proudly comes out with his own can and plays on!  He will also drink the plain seltzer/sparkling water with a little fresh lime or lemon in it.  Seltzer water is simply carbonated water...so no worries on carbs or other chemical additives.  And NO...Seltzer water is NOT the same as tonic water or soda water...so be sure to get actual seltzer water!  Some stores carry a good supply, some stores may carry only the 2 liter plain version.  You may have to check around to find this gem..but DON'T GIVE UP!!

ALSO...often times if you talk with a manager at your local grocery store and let them know you wish they would carry certain items (such as the reduced-sugar ketchup or flavored seltzer water), they are often accommodating and will try to stock items that keep their customers happy whenever possible.  It never hurts to ask, I like to say.  Wait a minute...I think that might have been my mother speaking!   


  1. This list is so helpful! We are possibly starting the MAD diet for my son, and seeing the best things that are already tried and tested by another takes out a lot of the guessing for us as first timers. This page is already bookmarked. Thank you!!

  2. Thank you so much for starting this blog!! You hit it right on the nail about being afraid and unsure when first staring. Our Nuero gave is this option and already have talked to a dietitian but I feel so overwhelmed and honestly don’t trust myself. What if I don’t provide enough variety.. there are a lot of what if’s.. but thank you for sharing your journey!
